The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Logo
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe

Digital Brand Standards Guide

The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe is a Federally-Recognized Indian Tribe composed of descendants of the Duwamish and Upper Puyallup Peoples who inhabited Central Puget Sound for thousands of years before non-Indian settlement.

This guide has been created to help build a cohesive identity between the Tribe's social media and web platforms across typography, color, logo, and voice.


Open Sans Light


Open Sans Regular


Open Sans Bold


Open Sans Bold (all caps and  wide-tracked)

Label light

Open Sans (all caps and  wide-tracked)

Paragraph — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Open Sans

Caption — Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Noto Serif Italic

Font Downloads

Open Sans Font Family
Noto Serif Font Family

Main Color System

Used in general materials
Dark Blue

Full Color System

used for Content identifiers & organization
Dark Red
Dark Orange
Dark Yellow
Dark Green
Dark Teal
Dark Blue
Logo Files
For Simple or light backgrounds

Logo File Downloads

For Busy or dark Backgrounds

Logo File Downloads, Outlined

Language Standardizations

Commonly Used Words That Should Always be Capitalized:

  • Muckleshoot
  • Duwamish
  • Tribe / Tribal
  • Tribal Council
  • Coast Salish / Salish
  • Native / Native American
  • First People(s) / First Nations
  • Sovereign Nation / Sovereign Indian Nation
  • Powwow (note: Powwow is one word)
  • Elder(s)

Helpful Tool: Native Governance Center Style Guide

Check this pdf for guidance on the following:

  • Referencing racial, ethnic, cultural, and political groups
  • Using Native languages and place names
  • Other miscellaneous terminology
  • Innappropriate terminology
NGC Style Guide
Land Acknowledgements

Land acknowledgment is a traditional custom that has been historically used by many Native communities. Today, land acknowledgments are used by Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to recognize the original stewards of the land we now live upon.

The following examples of Land Acknowledgement statements have been approved by the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe for use in local meetings, events, and other gatherings.

"I/we acknowledge we are gathered upon the ancestral lands of the Seattle area’s Federally Recognized Indian Tribe – the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, who historically lived throughout the areas between the Cascade Mountains and Puget Sound, what is also known as the Salish Sea."

"I would like to acknowledge the Muckleshoot People who are the Traditional Stewards of this Land and the Federally Recognized Treaty Tribe of King County. I offer my respect to the ancestors and elders of the Muckleshoot Tribe and extend that respect to other elders present."

"We would like to acknowledge the Federally Recognized Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, the ancestral keepers of the land we are gathered on today. We thank them for their immense contributions to our state and local, history, culture, economy, and identity as Washingtonians."

"I would like to express our gratitude and acknowledgement of the Federally Recognized Muckleshoot People, as we gather on their traditional lands. We recognize Muckleshoot’s continued presence as a strong sovereign nation and their invaluable contributions to our state history, economy, and culture."

"I would like to show my respect and acknowledge the Traditional Lands of the Muckleshoot People, past and present, on which this meeting takes place.

The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, located in South King County, is the Seattle area's Federally Recognized Indian Tribe and successor to Duwamish and Upper Puyallup Peoples who were party to the Treaties of Point Elliott and Medicine Creek."

"Muckleshoot is party to both the Medicine Creek and Point Elliot Treaties. These treaties reserve governmental rights to the Muckleshoot People and recognize their “Usual and Accustomed Territory”, where they hunt, fish, gather, trade, govern, and live. These areas include DiDelaliV, (Dz-zah-lah-luch), what is now known as the city of Seattle and surrounding region."

* DiDelaliV (Dz-zah-lah-luch) is the traditional Muckleshoot place name for Seattle and means: The Shaking Ground Place."